Quotes about Loneliness

When I was feeling depressed and alone, I was looking for ways to understand or accept rather why I was feeling so low. Honestly – deep down I have always known why – it was just the wanting to feel that I matter…that I am not invisible… I am here and I want to be acknowledged and loved ‘as just me’… I realised after some time – that you will never be enough for others. You need to know that you are enough – for you.

Anyway these are some of the words that I thought described how I felt – made me feel less ‘alone’; that I am not the only one feeling this way, this lost. I guess I didn’t have anyone to talk to so I turned to the world wide web at the time – hoping to understand and rationalise what was going on in my head. 

"That feeling that you're not necessarily sad,
but you're just empty"
- Unknown

"The most terrible poverty is loneliness,
and the feeling of being unloved"
- Mother Teresa

"It hurts when you realise you aren't as important to someone as you thought you were"
- Unknown

"You can't be strong all the time.
Sometimes you just need to be alone
and let the tears out." - Unknown

"I used to think the worst thing in life was to end up alone. It's not.
The worst thing in life is to end up with people that make you feel alone."
— Robin Williams

"Every time I see a couple holding hands, or just plainly sitting together. I look away.
It's not that I hate seeing lovers. But because it reminds me of a question nobody can answer... 'Where's mine?'"
— Unknown

"People make time for the things that are important to them"
- Unknown

There is this song that I remembered as a child – it sounded so sad and I didn’t like it. But now that I am older, the lyrics, the sad tune – somehow I get it now. Loneliness stems from failure in connecting, communicating… 

Anyway – good song by Simon and Garfunkel – The Sound of Silence…

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